Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2012 Debates: 1st Presidential Debate Open Thread

Tonight's debate from the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado will focus on issues from the domestic front. The forum will be divided into six 15 minute segments with pre-defined topic areas (the economy for three segments, health care, the role of government and governing) chosen by moderator Jim Lehrer.

Things kick off at 9:00pm, but feel free to weigh in with thoughts and other comments on what you are expecting and what is happening in real time in the comments section below. You can also follow along on Twitter by using the #fhqdebate hashtag.

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  1. Jim Lehrer has lost control. The two candidates are talking past each other. Romney is doing slightly better than Obama at this time.

  2. Agreed. Lehrer isn't asking questions so much as asking for contrasts. Lost control over that about two minutes in.

  3. Obama lost not just the debate but voters too

  4. I doubt that there will be significant change in the polls following this debate - yes, Romney will gain a point or so, but Obama has not lost voters.

    And Jim Lehrer had absolutely no control from minute one. Interestingly, pundits are already analyzing/validating the lack of a moderator:
