Ohio Redistricting Competition
The goal of the Ohio Redistricting Competition is to demonstrate that an open process based on objective criteria can produce fair legislative districts in Ohio. During the competition, it is our belief that a robust public conversation about the process can occur, leading to the development of the best possible redistricting recommendations for consideration by the Ohio General Assembly.
The Ohio Redistricting Competition represents the culmination of over nine months of planning amongst the League of Women Voters of Ohio (LWVO), Ohio Citizen Action, Common Cause, Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, Former State Representative Joan Lawrence, and State Representative Dan Stewart.
--via the Ohio Secretary of State's website
This isn't filling out fictitious brackets for prospective presidential candidates. No, this is a far more involved simulation that folks in Ohio and outside its boundaries can participate in. Draw your own congressional districts. The contest sign ups end and the competition begins on Friday, April 10 and concludes on May 11.
Hey you get to use an online version of GIS software. How bad could it be? My only gripe is that the current number of districts are being redrawn. Ohio is likely to lose a congressional seat or two after the 2010 Census, so why not have this competition reflect that reality? [I suppose no one wants to admit that their state is losing clout.]
The rules of the competition and other information are at the site linked at the top.
Tip of the cap: John Sides at The Monkey Cage
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